Departmental to Departmental PRO License Upgrade thru Jan 2026


Departmental License to Departmental PRO Upgrade

The Departmental PRO License provides accounts for an unlimited number of users in your department. Every user can run the 40 case self-study scenarios and the 40 test scenarios an unlimited number of times. Users can save their case logs as desired. Completion of the test scenarios provides up to 20 CME credits to department members at no additional cost. The Departmental PRO License also includes an administrative account which allows tracking of your departmental users’ progress.

Full Redesign

  • Modern interface with improved menus and light/dark modes
  • Extensive pre-written case library with learning objectives and ‘What Next?’ help
  • Difficult case scenarios including opioid use disorder, morbid obesity, pediatric and neonatal cases, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis, pheochromocytoma, intracranial hypertension, pregnant patient for non-OB surgery
  • Dozens of anesthetic-related emergencies including air embolism, anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperkalemia, latex allergy, malignant hyperthermia, postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia/eclampsia, pulmonary embolism, thyrotoxicosis, venous air embolism
  • Updated drug list and medication information for the 100+ drugs included in the simulator
  • Automated scoring system provides a score and debriefing of your case management
  • Automated record-keeper generates case logs of your management

Other New Features

  • Users can access their saved case online
  • Earn up to 20 AMA PRA Category 2 CME credits with PRO version
  • Improved administrative interface to track your Departmental users’ progress
  • Instructors can write their own scenarios

Web-Based Instant Access – No Installation

  • Works on Windows and Mac computers and tablets, but not optimized for phone screens.
  • Works in your browser without plug-ins or add-ons
  • Nothing to download, nothing to install
  • We send you a link and a password as soon as you order.
  • You can manage the case scenarios as many times as you want. Unlimited use!

Try it now!
In the login screen, select the Demo group, enter your email address and type the word ‘demo’ for the password.

